Lessons occur every Monday night for 6 weeks.
To register for swim lessons, please email RCCPDirector@gmail.com with the following information:
- Child(ren)’s name and age
- Swim level (if known)
- Choose 5:00pm or 6:00pm preferred time slot
* For children under 3 years, please note the ONLY timeslot available is 5:00pm and a parent is required to be in the pool.
Important Updates!
No Open Swim on Monday evenings 3/24/25-4/28/25
We are hiring!! Email RCCPDirector@gmail.com for more information.
Class Schedule for River Cities Community Pool 2025
Monday 8:15 am AQUA Deep Drenched, 9:00 am Joints in motion.
Tuesday 6:00 am Land Yoga, 8:15am CIRCUITS H20, 5:00 PM AQUA FIT
WednesdAY 7:15 AM AQUA DEEP DRENCHED, 8:15 am Aqua Yoga,
Thursday 6:00 am Land Yoga, 8:15 am sha-deep, 9:00 AM JOINTS IN MOTION, 5:00 pm AquaFit (shallow class), AND 6:00pm uNDERWATER HOCKEY
SATURDAY 8:15am rotating instructors
Full Class ListBecome a Member
2 Levels of Membership Available
Pool Membership gives you:
- Access to all classes (both land and water)
- Reduced rate for private swim lessons and personal training
- Individual and family rates
- Access to all Open Gym times
Land Only Membership gives you:
- Access to all land classes
- Use of the Gymnasium – 2 Pickleball courts and 1/2 gym for Basketball
Becoming a member is easy! Stop at the pool and take a tour, then talk to a lifeguard or the Aquatics Director about becoming a member.
Purchase a day pass
Just $5 gives you access to classes for a day ($3 Youth, $15 Family). You can purchase your day pass at the pool. See the lifeguard on pool deck for Pool Day Passes and use the Check In table in the Lobby for Open Gym Day Passes. Fun fact – we now accept venmo!
The Wall of 1,000 Tiles
Join the wall of 1,000 tiles built by members of a community that cares. Show your support of River
Cities Community Pool Association by purchasing a tile in your name or for your family or a friend…or for
someone for whom you wish to do something special. Consider purchasing a tile in a loved one’s
memory or to show your business’s/ organization’s support of the pool.
Text RCCP3 to 84483 to get weather and pool updates/closures!
Did you know?
We are more than just a pool!
We also have:
- Open Gym times!
- Pickleball, Basketball, Walking
- Something for everyone!